The expressionless

On a hospital in America they are called for an emergency and as the doctors and nurses rushes to the place they see a Maniquin that’s savierly wounded….but why is this an emergency?you ask….it’s just a Maniquin bleeding with probobly fake blood….but no…..they attach a life sensor and they succeed to see that Maniquin is alive….but it’s not even flinching or moving….as you treat the wounds of the maniquin its head suddenly moves and looks directly at you…..the other people’s with you screams in shock as it’s starts to shake rapidly and is trying to stand up as it was because it was strapped from the bed… breaks the ropes and starts to attack the patients and nurses and even the doctors….the maniquin looks at you for the last time as it leaves you alone with eh dead bodies on the floor….it’s proceeds to escape the hospital killing the guards… live to tell the story….86 patients died and 27 nurses and 4 doctors died in the hospital…..



