Sexual content

At the time i was nine.My older sister thought she was pregnent so she took a pregnecy test and it came back negative. But before the test my parents cept asking her if she had sex she said yes so that night i ran away to a neighboures houes and asked if he wanted to have sex he said yes he had four kids two baby twins two boys the mom was watching the twins and so me,him, his kids went outside he talk his kids to play hide and seek me and him went in the woods right outside his houes and he raped me till i was ten.he told me not to tell anybody becoues he would get into trouble so i didn`t so i kept it a secret till my mom came out looking for me and i was with him and he was fixing his pants and underwear by this time she knew what happened she was yelling at me asking me what happened i asked my sister to get paper and pen she did so i wrote what happened my mom said that i needed to go to the hospital i said okay let me take a bath my mom said no i said fine im not going then and she said i had to go i was like why she said he hurt me i said no he didn`t i was like see no bruses no bleeds or cuts or anything they laughed but she cept on saying he hurt me i was like how.
My dad scared me saying the police will be at the hospital i was like why he said to talk to you. I said no i held on to the cough for dear life my mom had to pick me up and carry me to our car i kept looking back to see if i could see him i thought i saw him in our car i was tarified.
