
The wind bellows through the curtains early in the morning as you stir from a restless night of sleep
As the night fades from the horizon, and dawn cracks through the sky, you hear others waking, your brother is already up and making toast while your mother and father are still in bed
“Do you want some toast?” Calls your brother
“Yeah” you reply
As you roll to get out of bed you notice your bed cover has changed, not your blueish, pinkish blanket, but a dark purple and rolls of black
It looks like the shed skin of an animal
Frightened you go to ask your mother and father
“Mum! Dad! Did you change my cover?” You call, no response
“Ethan, if this is a joke, its not funny” you cry, “Ethan?”
As you find the house is deserted, you hear a window creak open in your room. You run to check only to find that the cloth of some sort to be missing too
“Why!?” Comes a voice from an unknown place
Then a shrill shreiking sound reaps in your ears

This phenomon has occurred in many rural places in L.A
No one has ever survived further then that moment, and the only way the have survived is to jump out the window that creaked open, only to find your family members fleeing
Others who stay, well they’ve never been found, and it has been a suspected murder
