love me like you do

”Stefan.” I said looking into his eyes.” I know you love me. But I can’t love you back. Tony was my life. I can’t love any one else other than him.”
”But Alexia.” He said taking my hand.”Tony is dead. You need to move on.”
I smiled.” He is dead I know that. But he still around me. Looking at me. Protecting me. Tony is an inseparable part of me.”
”Till when will you live like this Alexia.” Stefan questioned.” You would need someone with you at some point of life.”
‘Stefan.” I said gently.” This life is my gift to Tony. He died for me and I will live for him. I will keep our love story alive forever.” 
I turned back and walked away. A gentle breeze touched my cheeks.
”I know its you Tony.” I said smiling.”if you can hear me, I want to tell I love you.” The gentle breeze touched my cheeks again and I knew Tony have heard me…

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