Shadows of Terror: Encounters in the Night

Part 3: The Abyss Beckons

With no hope in sight, the boy resigned himself to his fate. The darkness surrounding him seemed to close in like a suffocating cloak, a looming omen of despair and agony. His heart raced as he prayed for a miracle to spare him from the monstrous predator, yet his prayers went unanswered.


As the boy surrendered to his fate, terror gripped his entire body as the creature brought its face closer to him, its breath reeking of agony and suffering. With no words to be uttered, the monster tightens its grip on the boy’s body, making all of his bones crack. And then the monster tosses the lifeless body of the boy onto the street. They say that the body was found hairless, as its scalp and flesh were removed. The monster will soon prey on its victims when they are alone, and sometimes attacks every night from underneath your bed.
