Mr. Smiley

Mr. Smiley
Hi, my name is Lucas. I had a brother named Brian, who was the worst person I knew. When we were kids, he used to hurt me every day. Mom and Dad would punish him, making him apologize before leaving his room, but he never did. He’d wait for our parents’ permission to go outside, then stop hurting me. Despite my help with his homework and chores, he remained constantly angry with me.
One day, I overheard Mom and Dad talking about Brian’s adoption. Frustrated with his attitude, I confronted him, revealing what I knew, including his adoption. He was furious and in tears. From that moment on, we stopped talking, and it felt as though I no longer had a brother.
Present Day
While walking home from school, I encountered a man wearing a smiley mask, holding a bloody knife, who began chasing me. I ran as fast as I could until I reached home, eventually losing him. That night, unable to sleep, I focused on studying as I’m now in high school, determined to secure a better future.
Although Brian and I were the same age and attending high school, we had ceased communication. His absence pained me, but I tried to forget.
The Next Day
I woke up to the tragic news of my brother’s suicide. He had hung himself in his room. The police confirmed it happened at night. Mom and Dad were devastated, crying inconsolably. I couldn’t stop my tears either but decided to attend school despite not being allowed.
As I walked home, consumed by thoughts of Brian, I lost my way. I stumbled upon the man again, terrified but unnoticed by him. Before witnessing something dreadful, my thoughts were interrupted.

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