My Childhood Memories

My name radhika.I am live with my  family in a village.My father is a shopkeeper.My mother is a homemaker.
I have a sister.We went to my grandmother’s house during summer holidays.I and my sister used to go to my grandmother’s house when we were doing school during summer holidays.

Her house is about 40km away from our house.she used to wake up at 4a.m to sprinkle the water on the front yard and drew rangoli.After she went to cowshed to clean cowdung and churn milk.I love eating tamarind rice which made by grandma.she put the mangoes in the bowl and mashed with salt and chilli powder.

After lunch we went to her land to swang in a tamarind tree.We saw cow eating grass,hens,fresh water well.we feel fresh air all over the land because grandma had coconut trees and mango,guava,custard apple,lemon trees.
She also grew so many beautiful flowers and henna leaves also.i love to put henna on my I asked my grandma to pluck henna leaves for my hands.

We returned home after sunset with our grandma,sister and me from farm.Grandma offered us tasty cow milk and biscuits.she prepared  henna fine paste for us and drew flowers on our hands.

We left henna whole night and the next day morning we washed our hands and found that henna in hand was red and made my hand attractive.  As usual grandma was busy at routine work.

On fine day my cousin also visited grandma house.He stayed with us two weeks.So we played hide and seek,volleyball,running race.Mostly we used to play with clays which was collected from our land.

I shaped ganesha god,my cousin made house and my sister made teddy bear but three was not outcome perfectly somehow we tried our best.At this time I remember a proverb practice makes a man perfect.

Have u all agree with this proverb?gud let’s move to next moment I never forgot in my life.Even at present I think also I will get afraid.One day my uncle came to our land to help grandma in the cultivation of rice crop.

He asked me whether i know swimming when he got a small break in work.i said I don’t know how to asked me to come with him to learn swimming but i tried to ran away from that place hid chasing me and i was keep running all over land and finally he caught me and i bites his hand and pinched him hardly but he never let me to get escape.

While am seeing fish in well he stood back at me and he pushed suddenly.I fell into the well and shouting somebody help me.  Immediately my uncle jumped into the well and saved me.Finally my uncle taught me very slowly how to swim in the water afterwards my fear gone and became confident. My uncle asked me to jump into the well by myself.I did the same as he told.

Our summer holidays also came to an end.My cousin went his home because the schools were reopened. My father also came to take me to my home.We left my wonderful grandmother’s house very sadly.

I missed my grandmother very much.she gave us  sweets made by her hand and ice cream also bought from shop.we said goodbye to my grandmother.Love and respect elders God will bless us.
