
In 2012, the Rohingya students who attened in the sittway university had dropped ount from university. Since 2012, no one couldn’t attend in the university to acquire or study to gain knowledge. That kind of condition was going on as the students specially who passed in the matreculation or class 10 weren’t gained any kind of opportunity or scholarship to study futher more. Since,  the Rohingya weren’t anything to do becauseof the government weren’t giving any jobs to them to do they were natter that kind of condition were compelled to leave  their own country to do anything or to study futher to show the world that the Rohingya were a genocided ethnic in the world.


Also, as you know in 2012 thousands of the Rohingyas’ were burn by the Buddhist government, killed and burn many anocents. They were nothing to live as a house because of taking out their own land, they had to make shelters in the slums of sittway to servive their lives. Also that kind of condition aren’t end this kind of genocide had to be suffered ethnics are still alive in sittway which is the state of Burma/ Myanmar. Also they have been suffering till now.

In 2017, as you know thousands  of the Rohingya had to fled to Bangladesh from their own country to service their lives. Because of the government of Myanmar were burn the Rohingyas’ houses, killed and burn them in clouding the anocents in the fire and raped them. Right now the government of Myanmar still genociding not only on the Rohingya ethnic but olso in whole country. They all have to be suffered genocide till now.

Another way, the Rohingya who had to leaved their country have to servive their lives like the animals in the largest refugee camps in cox’s bazar of Bangladesh. They all are willing to go back theirs’ ancestral home land with fundamental right.
