The Glass Manor

Rita and her family used to reside on the top of a small hill, near Himachal Pradesh. They were not very wealthy, but weren’t penniless either. Rita’s father used to work in a factory in the city.  Her world was limited to the town in which she lived. From a very little age, she had a great desire of exploring new things. This is what drove her to secretly enter the city one day, but when she was caught, she was scolded badly by her parents. That closed the door to the world of her excitements for a while.

One such girl like Rita was Sumedha, Rita’s class-mate. She loved to dig the earth ( like an archeologist ) and was fascinated even if a piece of a branch of a tree was found. She had a diary which was filled with drawings and writings of whatever new things she used to discover.  As both of them had the same desire, that is exploring new things, Rita and Sumedha soon became best friends.

One day, for the first time, Rita was alone in her home. Her parents had to visit and stay in her sick Grandmother’s house for a day. Before leaving, her mother kissed Rita on her forehead and said        ” My dear girl, I hope you will be fine on your own. Do stay in this very house of yours and don’t let in any strangers. ”  Now Rita was left all alone in her home, doing her chores and studying. Meanwhile, Sumedha was watching everything from her hide in the bushes. When Rita’s parents left, she knocked on the door and yelled ” Rita, it’s me- Sumedha !”   ”Come in. ” Said Rita after opening the door. ” Are you alone today ?” Sumedha said excitedly ” What a co-incidence…Same for me too ! ”  Rita gave Sumedha some snacks to eat. While eating, Sumedha said ” You will not believe what I found today. The coast is clear. Will you come with me to see that thing ? ”   Rita was already excited as her best friend had come to her house. But now, both her excitements and expectations were higher than the clouds. She asked ” What ! I would love to see that. But what is it ? ”  ” That ? Oh ! You will see. ” smiled Sumedha.

Rita packed a bag with all the needy items for the journey. ” But we have to come back by today or else I will get a harsh punishment from my parents if they don’t find me at my home. ”  Sumedha was afraid too. She said ” What if we get caught by the villagers ?”  ” I have an idea. Hold on. ” Said Rita and she walked to her mother’s room. She came out of the room with two sarees of her mother.”Here. Wear this. This help us cover our face like a bride. No one will suspect us ” Said Rita. When they were all done, they set off for the place where Sumedha had found something. After almost two hours of walking and sometimes resting on the way to nibble on some snacks, they reached the place. ”This is it !” Exclaimed Sumedha. There was a manor in front of them. The place seemed to be deserted for years. The garden was pretty untidy and the house had a number of cracks. As they entered the house, darkness filled their eyes. Sumedha took out a torch from the bag and the room soon got lighted up. She lead Rita with her into a wonderful portion of the manor. ”Look!” Said Sumedha excitedly. Rita was surprised. Half of the manor was covered with glass. She could she hundreds of reflections of her as well as her friend. Both of them roamed the house and were sometimes getting confused about which was a mirror and which was a real person. They were so immersed in this that they forgot the time. It had become dark. Suddenly black clouds started to surround the sky. Rita and Sumedha were in danger ! She rushed towards their home immediately, forgetting the bag in the house. The rain had started and Rita and Sumedha were all wet when they reached their homes.

Next morning , Rita’s parents came back home. Her mother checked the cupboard and said ” It seems like someone touched my clothes…”  Rita was afraid. She quickly said ” Actually, I was cleaning the cupboard..”  Luckily, none came to know what she and her friend did.

Years later, when Rita and her best friend Sumedha were adults, they again came to visit the glass manor, but not secretly like before. The manor was almost the same as before. Only the cover of the  shrubs and bushes of the garden had increased a lot, and so had the age of the house. While walking in the rooms of the house, they found the bag that they left years ago. Surprisingly, no mouse or other pests have touched the ancient food in the bag. Suddenly a strange event took place. When Rita and Sumedha looked into the glass, they could see their reflections. But those reflections of them as were in a very unknown form. They looked different and their clothes were different in the glass to their actual dresses and looks. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The reflection they had seen 10 years ago was now in front of them. Instantly, the glass shattered. there were pieces of glass lying all around. Oh no ! The manor was starting to break down. Rita and Sumedha ran out of the manor to save themselves. The manor turned into small pieces in front of them. They gazed at the ruins. Suddenly, a ball of light emerged from the hose and came in front of them. From that ball of light, a voice came out ” Don’t be afraid. Whatever you are seeing was destined. Let me explain everything to you. You were sisters in your previous birth and both of you used to live int his manor with your family. But, unfortunately, both of your parents died when both of your age was not above 18. Both of you loved your parent as well as this house very much. As you lost your parents, you decided to take your lives. Before doing so you vowed that one day, in your next brith you would come back to this house as children. Then again you would come back as adults. When you would do so, you would be able to see how you looked in your previous birth. That would be the last moment for you in this house. I am the spirit of this house. I have waited for you for many years. It was my duty to tell you all of this. Now I will mix with the air of this universe and will live eternally. May God bless you !” With this the ball of light disappeared, leaving both the ladies surprised. ” Wow !” Rita wondered ” Whatever I saw till now- I can’t believe- was this true ? ”

Rita and Sumedha lived up to a ripe old age, and they narrated to their grandchildren and their grandchildren passed this to their grandchildren and this chain continued. Rita and Sumedha are no more, but their story will live forever, in the hearts of the upcoming generations.
