A Great Person

Once upon a time there was a family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 consists of Parents👫 , 2 Boys 👦👦 and 3 daughters 👧👧 .

All of them were happy when the children were unmarried but when they got married….. 

Everything changed. 

Girls went with their husbands but the parents suffered a lot because of their older son… 


His name is G.S. Jaitawat . He and his wife tortured the parents… resulted in the death of father and mental sickness of the mother…. But the elder son is a great personality. His name is K. S. Jaitawat. 

He is so kind, respected his parents  ,family , helped everyone , cared everyone. 

In last.. 

Everyone neglected G. S. Jaitawat and his wife and excepted K. S. Jaitawat as a superhero and a sign of enlightenment and a great inspiration. 

He was a real son. He cured his mother and cared her. 

I salute such a personality 👍

