Geeza was listening to some pop songs and acting weired and dancing and saying something and talking with herself and the G-star asked “why will u listen to song everytime?” she said “when i listen to music our mind will be fresh and active” and suddenly G-star started to blink and the G-star said “hunn! there is a problem in the town market , we should go and save the people” and she said “I don’t  like to go market 😬”and G-star said &quot;now you shouod sace the people &quot; transformed to G-man she flew from the window and she reached the market and she was standing at a building she saw that everything was turning into black from a end she went slowly to that end she saw a Vampire and it was biting everyone and the people were biting to others and they were turning into a Vampire and what that Vampire said the people were listening to it, and suddenly the Vampire saw G-man and attacked her with supersonic voice and she flew to another place where she was safe and G-man&nbsp; asked &quot; how to defeat the vampire?😕&quot; and G-star said &quot;Vampires like voilen&quot; and G-man was thinking &quot;if we had a voilen then we could defeat the Vampire &quot; and she got an idea her best friend Tryno had a voilen and she went to Tryno&apos;s room and she got shock by seeing G-man and she asked &quot;you are G-man am i right&quot; and she asked &quot;how do you know that i have voilen only my friends knew about it &quot; and G-man said &quot; that day i saw you with your voilen&quot; ans she gave her voilen to G-man and she reached the market by that time the&nbsp; Vampire occupied the whole market and they were moving to the town hall and the G-star asked &quot;what will you do by this voilen?&quot; and G-man said &quot; you know that if sunlight reach the Vampires they will turn into dust so like that only i will play the music and the Vampire like voilen music very much so by playing the voilen the Vampire will enjoy&nbsp; the music and i will move slowly towards the sunlight and it will turn into dust&quot; and G-star saud &quot;It&apos;s nice idea&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; she went at the top of the town hall and started to play the voilen but after some time the Vampire said &quot;stop this i can&apos;t hear it anymore&quot; but G-man got it&apos;s weakness and was playing the voilen continusly and the vampire turned into dust and flew away and after that G-man sang a song (there is a secreat if G-man began to sing a song happiness will spread everywhere and everything will be normal)😁.<br>
Thank you!☺<br>
Episode 3 will come soon😉.<br>
And comment to my story😊.<br>

2 Replies to “G-MAN💜

  1. I love ur story and u had also add music to it hahaha… I love, pop k-pop, idols, and thier songs it makes me interested in it… Thx for your story and Good luck for next story… 😘😇


    1. Thank you for your pretty comment and even I am a huge fan of k-pop like BTS and BLACKPINK and thank you for your support😊😊 and the next episode will come soon

      I PURPLE U 💜💜

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