God Is able to do exceedingly

There was a girl who came from a poor family and she did not to school, eat good food and she always wore torn smelly clothes. Everyday she would always pray for a normal and stable life.  When she prayed ,she would say ”God  I put my situation into your hands for you are the only one who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think according to the power that works in us”.

So one day she got a foot in the door when God answered her prayer by sending a billionaire to sponsor her and her family. She was  now able to get education, live in a mansion, wear expensive designer clothes and eat good food. Although her prayer had finally been answered she worked hard in her studies and graduated with a first class masters degree. The billionaire then transferred half of his company shares to the girl’s name as a reward for doing good in her studies. The girl now lived happily ever after and thanked God for fulfilling His promise.

Lesson of the story :God is able to do great things and h is able to do to double the things that you pray for. So don’t give up on Him for is able.
