I gotta tell you when i found out my little sister was pregnant i was not thrilled at all. You see in our family my little sister was the most beautiful, smart spoiled little brat i ever met. She could talk in complete sentences at one year old. She could tell you jokes. She knew every cuss word in the world and did i mention she had 8 older siblings. We almost got kicked out of the emergency when she was born because we were having normal conversations and apparently it was a little bit to loud for security guard. He warned us twice and said if he had to come back a 3rd time we were gonna be asked to leave. I think he was actually coming for the 3rd time but we didn’t care dad had just come out of the delivery room holding the most precious little sister i had ever seen. This was January 21st 1984. Fast forward 18yrs to August 10th 2002. This same baby girl would give birth to the tiniest little white guy I had ever seen. I saw him in the crib, I saw him in his swing. I never once greeted him or showed him any affection whatsoever. I was upset I was mad I’m an older brother I was supposed to be mad right. Our darling precious little baby sister had a child out of wedlock. My father was not a happy camper. The little white guy slowly grew up at our place and for about the first 7 or 8 months of his life I didn’t lay a finger on him. One day he was in his swing and my mother who watched him for my baby sister had to go to the store. She yelled for me and didn’t give me a chance to answer only said I gotta go to the store real quick I will be right back. Mom I’m not watching this baby as she drove off I said. Damn, i guess I am. I was relieved when she got back because this little white guy was a crybaby. So I didn’t have to watch him again till he was about a year old and again he cried…OMG little white babies cry alot. I had no idea he knew my name till he was about a year and a half old when my mother would take him into my room as a form of entertainment. I really didn’t want to entertain the little guy but mom had to get dad some coffee and she left thinking this little white guy was about to start crying bloody murder for her. Something amazing happened, he actually stayed without crying. He said Hi Abe in his baby talk voice. I didn’t want to talk so I put my TV on a kid show he loved. Teletubbies was the show and when I put it on he looked at me and smiled. I will never forget this smile. At this point in my life my ex was keeping my kids from me. I was a basketcase cause I missed out on so much. How could the courts side with a mother like this who was freely taking my child support but wouldn’t let me see my children. Over the next few years the little white guy would come in and ask me to turn on the TV. He would actually get in bed with me and we would watch his favorite shows together. Eventually they moved out of my mother’s house and one summer I’m not sure he was home at all. He stayed the whole summer with me. He became my buddy. He won me over. When mom left he would look for Abe, and if Abe was there he was cool. He didn’t cry. We had fun. He was in 2nd or 3rd grade when i got my kids back and he was like who are these kids. Today this little white guy whose name is Ashton is 18yrs old. As a matter of fact he will be living in Lubbock to attend Texas Tech University where my son just graduated from and lives. It brings me great pleasure that these 2 have become close. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Oh and another thing I couldn’t be more proud of him than I am. And I want to personally thank him for holding my hand through a dark time. Thank you Ashton, the little white guy is now known as my beloved nephew Ashton C Jacks. HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY mijo…I love you very much!!!

Your Uncle Abe
