The Hated Sister

Hi my name is Aleena.I am eleven years old.I have two sisters and one brother.This story” The Hated Sister ”

Is a story about me…

Every single day my tears fill up a bucket. Just because of my brother. He sometimes slaps me really hard that I tell my grandma that I’m tired of my life..One night my brother punched me really hard that I could barely not talk.I cried the whole night..I don’t know why my brother hates me.I love him but the answer from him is I hate you. I know there are more girls like me who get beaten up from their brothers so I wanna tell them that they are not the only ones.. I am also suffering but I know that I will become something in which my brother will give love and remove his hate from his heart.I hope you guys like  my story.


One Reply to “The Hated Sister”

  1. Awww so sad!
    We should spread awareness of abusing siblings! Aleena dont worry be positive god will do good!

