Change of heart

Ravi lived with his parent’s and two younger sisters in a beautiful house and a garden sorrounded.He had everything that he want and his mother was close to him and he too loved his mother more than everyone.

Ravi can study well but he stopped studying because he had a lot of friends around him to always get fun.By always enjoying with friends he lost his studies.Because of Ravi’s carelessness in studies and fun mood his father was angry with him and scolds everytime.Ravi hate his father for that and he too scolds his father when ever he scolds Ravi.

Ravi’s father had a shop and he was well built because of his shop and before having this shop he went abroad and worked hard for his family after his earnings he came back to his own country and started this shop.ongoing life Ravi’s father felt ill and no more he can look after the shop.Ravi’s mother started looking after the shop alone.looking at this terrible situation ravi got hurt and step by step he changed from wrong creativity.

He helped his mother to takeover the shop and also he tried to a his hard try he got a job in a company and he had a better salary to spend for his family.Ravi changed because of his father’s sick and his mother’s tired.

After all Ravi received a best respect from his father for his well improvement.His father’s anger dicreased and he always appreciated Ravi for his achievement.Ravi and his family lived happily and comfortably hereafter.

Moral:-change of heart through good matter will make us and our loving ones more happier……
