The marraige of Rama and Sita

Son of Dasaratha, the king of Ayodhya,

Rama and Lakshmana reached the Swamvara

Of none but the beautiful Sita.

Her charming face

And her pretty grace

Attracts  the kings of all the lands,

Who want to be her husband.

But only one could marry her,

The winner of the contest;

It was nothing

But a difficult test,

Who would lift the bow of Shiva?

Who will win the charming Sita?

None could, no prince, no king

In a worry, the father of Sita the fairy,

Said Janak in a worry

” Isn’nt there no one worthy of my girl?

Has the Earth lost the pearl?”

Just then Lakshmana stood up and said

” Who but Lord Rama is worthy of her?

”Who but Rama, my brave brother.

Janak had a hope

And asked Rama to try

Rama stood, his head high

And with his strong arms

And virtous mind

Lifted the heavy, large bow

Thus Rama won Sita

The marraige,which was a remarkable one

Was greatly, beautifully, happily done.








