Princess of Earl with a Golden palm

There’s a General whose sure,

All he deserves is beauty to owe,

He fights battles and wars to prove his raw,

Looking at the beauty queen.

Its got to be the princess of Earl with a Golden palm,

Yes its the Princess of Earl with a Golden palm.

One night the Angel of the Sword,

Appeared and said to him,

You’re the King of the Sword,

My father is pleased with you,

He wants to give u a reward,

Tell me what do you want?

I can give you the strength of the Lord,

I can give you the kingdoms of the East.

Or you want the Princess of Earl with a Golden Palm?

The general said,

I am the King of the Sword,

I can fight the Lord alone.

I am strong enough,

To win the East on my own,

All I want is to make love with the Princess of Earl with a Golden Palm.

The angel took him to the Statue of Beauty Divine,

And asked him to kiss the Princess on her Palm,

To gain what he wants.

A miricle kiss the Princess of beauty is alive,

She offered him bed and wine,

The general is pleased,

He’s making love to the Princess of Earl with a Golden Palm.

The general is unaware,

He is lying with the Devil tonight.

The night breaks down and the general is hung upside down,

With a nail upon his head upon the furnace of death,

The Princess is the Devil himself,

And the General is wedded to the Devil and leads the life of dead.

The Princess of Earl with a Golden Palm,

Gives him a taste of Hell.

