My friend who cried lion

My friend who cried lionΒ 

Once apon a time there was one of my friends walking through the night in the African desert 🏜 with lots of animals. She head a sound she was scared her mum was yelling her name???? She didn’t know what to do so she crept to her mum walking back wardsΒ  but there was sume thing be hind her so she turned around and saw Big RED eyes πŸ‘€ it was a LION 🦁 “I WAS SO WORRIED AND REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY SCARED I RUNNED SO Fast” she ran so fast she trip over she was running to her mum but when she trip over the lion was chasing her and the lion 🦁 catch her she said “don’t hurt me!?????!. Then another lion came over and started to fight the lion so the girl got away and got to her mum safely but the lion WILL Be Back!!!!!!!!.

Be end πŸ”š
