The golden door of unspeakable wisdom

At around 11 pm 4th of april any leap year visit any inland town in your locality.Do not bring any friends or family with you or any foodstuff except a chicken bone,a flashlight and a shovel .Wait until about 10.45 sipping coffee in any hotel.Rise from your chair and walk to  the counter. Pay your bill, before you walk out ask her where the rusty station is located . she will point a finger directly straight to the street and she will disappear before you ask her anything else.

Walk straight out of the towncentre without looking back.After about fifteen minutes of walking you will notice that everything goes dark and the sound of town fades away.You will find yourself in an open ground at the center of a forest clearing engulfed in thick fog. The ground will be hard and spiky with thorns.Now you will need your flashlight.Take exactly five steps and stop.The fog will be clear now,infront of you is a large tombstone worn out over time.No name is on it only a fine crack running from top to bottom.At the base of the tombstone is soft ground softer than the sorounding ground.Use your shovel to dig up the soil.Only five inches deep your shovel will hit something solid and metallic as the ground begins to shake  violently.A smooth shiny golden door emerges from the ground right in front of you.step to the door and place your chicken bone on the key hole .The door will click and unlock with a defeaning bang.As the door swings open you will find yourself in park room .The air will smell rotten and rusty but keep your manners .A low voice will start speaking in the dark .

Do not bother to find the owner of the voice as your flash light won’t even work.The voice will pour out all the inbound secrets of humanity and the deepest and darkest knowledge s of Earth.After this the voice will grant you a wish which you must not take.Ignore the voice and close your eyes ,you will find yourself infront of the hotel you took coffee .However if you choose to take the wish ,which ofcourse i know you will)You will have set the owner of the voice free and bound yourself in the dark room for the rest of your life unless another person takes your wish.Be warned those who have received the deepest knowledge s and secrets of the earth have gone insane for the rest of their lives duevto the unspeakable knowledges entrusted to them Those who have survived insanity have not lived long enough to say anything to anyone.
