Work at summer camp

Last summer I started working as a councilor for a summer camp, stereotypical for these kinds of stories I know, I was coming up on my second year of college and could use the extra cash to sustain my diet of 1$ instant ramen and off brand soda. The job was simple enough, watch the kids make sure they weren’t getting hurt or doing anything illegal…ironic considering half of us working there were normally high off our asses by the time they went to sleep, but what do you want from me we were a bunch of college kids.

Something that always unsettled me about the camp was how it came to be. Apparently before the colonization of the good old U.S of A it was home to an ancient Indian tribe. According to the head councilor they were not your thanksgiving, pilgrim helping natives however, in fact they were pretty brutal. The story goes that they would massacre anyone who stepped on their territory, and put their heads on woods pikes to use as decoration for their homes, and apparently ate whatever was left.

Now if that wasn’t batshit crazy enough they also dabbled in satanism, performing human sacrifices pretty regularly to “appease the great lord of the underworld”. at first we all figured it was just some ghost stories to tell around the fire place to pass the time, but after taking a trip to the local museum located just a few miles from the camp, we learned it was pretty legit.

As the summer went on we would spread more and more tales of the sinister “wooknook tribe”. Plenty of us stating that we’ve even seen their ghosts rushing around the the woods on the campgrounds, I was just as guilty of it…if only we knew all this turned out to be true.

One night after putting the campers to sleep me and two other councilors, Steven, a goofy loud mouth pothead that id became pretty close friends with , and Samantha, a short cute blonde I’ve been trying to whoo all summer had set up a bonfire and like clockwork began to talk about the wooknooks.

“Come on kit, you’re bullshiting us” Steven exclaimed as let out a large puff of smoke. Sam giggled and rolled her eyes. “Like you actually saw a ‘ghostly demon ritual” I laughed slightly. “Swear to god I saw it with my own eyes” as we continued to talk a low pitched chanting began from within the woods. It began quite, but slowly built up. Thinking it was some of the other councilors playing a stupid prank on us we decided to investigate.

As we got closer to the source of the sound what we saw wasn’t our fellow councilors…it was Indians, actual native Americans dawning war paint and feathered head pieces. Something about them was off though, they looked like they were decaying, patches of skin missing, some even had bone exposed.

“Holy shit” Steven whispered as we quietly snuck off. We quickly ran to the councilors cabin. I began pounding on the door till my hand went numb. The door opened to see frank, a grumpy old bastard who’s worked at this camp since I could walk. “It’s almost midnight what the hell do you want” he said in an aggressively tired tone. “we saw them, the wickwicks, or wonk sacks or what ever the hell they’re called they’re real man, they a frickin real” Steven began to go off in a panic. Frank was already closing the door on our faces but I pressed my arm against it. “This is serious he’s not just bullshitting you” I yelled at the now furious man. “As far as I’m concerned your all bullshitting me.” He responded. “Come see for yourself” Sam yelled which surprised him, she was normally quiet as a mouse around the older councilors. He rolled his eyes and stepped out of the cabin

We quickly brought him to the the sight of the natives. He gave a face of pure shock as he tried to come up with words. “Believe us now frank?” I whispered. “Oh it’s just a stupid prank, watch I’ll prove it” he said before moving towards the the group of chanting. Indians. He began spouting off about calling the police…only to be grabbed by each limb and tossed into the fire they had started.

“Holy shit” Steven yelled. I elbowed him in the side and sat silent, hoping to remain hidden, fortunately his panicked scream was masked by franks bone chilling screams of pain. “What do we do what are we gonna do we’re so fucked man, f.u.c.k.e.d fucked man” Steven went off in a wimpier. I elbowed him again and scanned the group.

“You guys know the empty cabins outside of camp, go there…I have an idea” Sam jumped slightly. “What do you mean?” I pulled my hunting knife I kept on my belt. “Just go, find a place to hide and leave all the cabin doors open” Steven nodded and slowly snuck off, Sam grabbed my hand softly and leaned forward for a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don’t die, please” I smiled and nodded before she slowly took off with Steven

“What the fuck am I doing” I whispered to myself before standing up and letting out a quick yell. “Hey over here you bastards” they turned their attention to me, there was a brief pause before they cried out and charged me. I began to run towards the abandoned cabins as one of them grabbed my by the shoulder. I dug my knife deep into its gut causing them to drop to the ground…only to stand right back up. “God damnit!” I made it to the cabins and ran into the first one, hiding in the bathroom.

As I peaked out the door a spotted all seven march in, I slowly snuck out through the window seconds before they entered the bathroom before circling back around and closing the cabin door and piling spare fire wood up against it. I quickly fished out a box of matches and a small flask of whiskey I kept in my bag. I splashed the flask all around the the cabin walls as they began to bang against the door. Lighting one of the matches I tossed it at the wall of the cabin, within minutes the whole building went up in flames. I collapsed on the ground before slowly sitting up to watch it burn. “No fucking way…that was badass” Steven yelled as he and Samantha came out of their hiding spots

When the morning came the rest of the councilors had discovered the now chard and burnt cabin. The three of us pretended to be just as shocked as everyone else…but something did shock us, we look through the debris of the cabin for a solid hour…but there were no bodies
