The Doll

Its been about a month since my family moved into this new house…well sort of for us at least. This house cannot be considered to be in the best shape. With creaky floorboards and rusty doors and sure needs a lot of work.

About two days earlier, I found a doll in one of the alimrahs. She was wrapped tight in a plastic bag and was ‘sealed’.

Ofcourse, the doll was pretty which made it even more hard to resist opening the seal. So, after a while, I did open it and kept it on the table beside my bed. Mom doesn’t seem to have a problem with it and neither does dad. But after the last night, I’m the one who refuses to keep her in my room. Even though my parents dont believe my story, I seriously hope you guys reading this, do..

Listen guys, I’m gonna get straight to the point at which it all started. I wanna end this as long as I still have the ability to do so and maybe even the time…

It all started the night before..the one following the day I had placed the doll in my room. At about 2:30 am I suddenly woke up with a sudden urge to drink water. So, I went downstairs to drink some water and when I returned…I found that somehow the doll had fallen on the ground. I picked her up, but once again dropped her as I SWEAR that I had seen her face expression change… Thinking that my mind was just playing tricks with me..probably because I was extremely drowsy..I picked her up again and put her back on the table. Nothing much happened that night except for the fact that I kept hearing footsteps all through the night, but that could even have been the wind roaring outside.

The next night, that is yesterday night, I was woken up by a noise..from my closet. Now, here, I think I should mention the fact that I do believe in the supernatural, so..obviously I was reluctant to get up and check it out. But soon enogh, I did..found nothing though. When I started heading towards my bed..I stamped on something…it was a crayon..a red crayon. I looked around and saw a sheet of paper tucked under the doll’s leg. I picked it up..and what i saw written on it is the reason..I’m writing this out …

It said: “2 days to go until you all die..wanna know how and why? The ‘why’ is something you have to figure out..but the ‘how”..I’m gonna tell you..each part of your body will be ripped apart and there will be blood all over the floor..the sight of your death would be so gruesome that even the police wont be willing to investigate…ENJOY THE DAYS YOU HAVE LEFT”..

I’ve thrown the doll outside and my parents wont believe me..they think its a sick joke.. I have about 1 day left..I am absolutely unsure about what’s gonna happen..but if it is my end day..I am really sorry for ever coming across that doll. That’s all guys..thanks for reading this..goodbye

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