Just something that’s on my mind

Just Something That Is On My Mind

Why do people choose to take their lives, like no one would be there to hear their cries.

Don’t they know how much they would be missed, sorry this is just making me pissed.

I’ve lost one friend to suicide and I tried to be there for them by their side ,

But they still chose to die.
I know depression hurts and so does the pain, it’s like being stuck out in the pouring rain.
It’s not fair cause they do have people who care.

So here I write about suicide something that just so happens to be crossing my mind at the time.

People always say they are okay, but deep down they can be thinking of ways to end their pain.

It hurts to know that there are people out there thinking they are so worthless that they be better off dead instead of looking at their life they still have ahead.

They should be blessed to be here cause some people don’t have the option to stay all they can do is pray….

We all have our own issues, doesn’t mean we should go towards suicide, it’s not worth having to say goodbye when it’s not even their time.
