Siblings are ment to be

Marco and Maple don’t go well together. They are always found arguing about either small things or big things. Their friends, Daniel and Ila had already told them that siblings are ment to be, meaning, its God’s gift and you cannot deny it. Reason is, Marco always pranks Maple, Maple gets annoyed and scolds Marco, next thing is, they start arguing. It is difficult to make peace between them but, you’ll have to! And next thing you’ll know is that you both think alike, love each other and share which is really a caring thing to do. So, the messenge is ‘Siblings are ment to be’. Now, don’t deny it! If you’re an only child, don’t be dissapointed because your friends, cousins or even neighbours are like family or Sibling. If you have a sibling, respect him or her, share love and communicate kindly, joke around and live happily.

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