Letter to Future husband

Letter to my future husband —

Hey you,

So, guess what. I already know you’re going to be special. How do I know this?? Well, you’ve shown amazing superpowers in staying invisible up until now. That’s no mean feat!

Just a word of advice for when you finally do decide to enter my life — please don’t beat around the bush. Not because I don’t like flirting, wooing, and courtship tactics; but simply because I’m super slow when it comes to taking a hint. You can be the sweetest person on the planet to me, and drop obvious hints left, right, and centre, and I still won’t have even the slightest inkling that you like me. So, please just tell me directly. It will save us both a lot of time.

And I need as much time with you as possible. Because I have so much to tell you. So many things to talk about. So much to share. And with you, I can be myself. No holds barred. And I hope you’ll be the same.

You will be my very own personal human, who’s all mine, only mine. I can hug you you when I want to, I can kiss you when I feel like it, I can punch you when you’re being stubborn, I can indulge you when you’re acting like a kid. You’ll be like my own personal teddy bear. And I promise to absolutely adore you.

Pro tip – And when we do have our issues and I’m being angry or unreasonable (which may happen often) and glaring at you while asking you to leave; just roll your eyes, stare me down, fold your hands across your chest, and solemnly tell me, “I’m not going anywhere. If you want me to leave, try and make me!”

Stubborn that I am, I will still glare at you, but inside I need the assurance that you’re not going anywhere, and you’re staying for good.

So, that’s about it. That’s all you need to know. And the rest, when we meet.

Lastly, you better like reading letters coz this is just the first of many to come…

Yours always.

PS – Congrats on such a good choice for a life partner! 😛
