In one village dharma buddi and paapa buddi are merchants.Paapa buddi is very cruel and with evil thoughts.Dharma buddi is very loyal with people.One day dharma buddi going to sell the goods in town and then paapa buddi asks him to accompany with u then dharma buddi accepts and both sell the goods and returning to home. Paapa buddi want to stole the money they earned he suggest to burrow the money,both accepts and do it.Later they left and reach home.Paapa buddi stole it and asks dharma buddi to give half money.But the money didn’t found later he blames dharma buddi and asks to him to return money in anyway then the before panchayats he will tell that he will get the truth by tree only. Then they went to it and asks the tree it will say that the dharma buddi syoled it after few hours the dharma buddi proves him as safe as by lifting fire in the burrow of tree as the durbuddi comes out of it
