The one dance

My name is Riley Kant, 16, brown each hair, belive it or not red eyes. My family is poor and it doesn’t likely happen when we can go out and eat. But today we get to go to Texas Coral. The reason my family is so poor is because in all we have 10 sibilings that still live with us, the other 10 moved out. My family was driving me crazy so I walked around to a dance floor and noticed a cute boy probolay 17 smiling at me. We walk to each other and I introduce myself. The boy is 17 and his cute name is Lucas. He asked me to dance and I accept so he leads me on the dance floor with a huge grin on his cute face. We square dance laughing and stumbling and ended up slow dancing somehow at the end. I was about to exchange phone numbers with him when my mom told me we had to go see one of my siblings in the hospital, having a kid. Since that might I didn’t see him but I knew we were destined to reunite. I searched my whole life, single and alone intill I was 99, then I died. I didn’t die heartbroken though, my dear Lucas I have been searching for is in heaven waiting for another dance with me….
