Lifeline of my life
Today, I tell you about my lifeline you know once upon a time when I don’t know who’s lifeline of my life.I met with him…
Today, I tell you about my lifeline you know once upon a time when I don’t know who’s lifeline of my life.I met with him…
there was a man who never mind and care for his family. what he do is jus stay with his friend drink alcohol and all…
education is the key of life once up on a time the was a vambo man he is jus speak oshivambo because he never learn…
once up on a time there was poor women.she was blessed with two children a boy and girl.the farther of the children where not giving…
the sun is main source of light which help plant and animals to survice, asĀ it help plant to make it’s own food by the…
Hi, I am Ned . My parent and my elder brother Sam went to visit Sam’s University in another state . I had the house…