The magic in the granny’s words




         The magic in the granny’s                                words

Once in a village  there lived a poor grandmother and her  grand daughter they worked  in many houses in the neighborhood  to earn their living. But of all the houses their was one which  was magnificent. Whenever the granddaughter  whose name was lily saw that house she got sad because that house was once theirs , but due to some problems her father had to sell that house. Soon after selling the house her father and mother passed away.   Later when the grandmother  returned  and saw lily sitting  sadly.she asked lily why she was sad. Lily replied  grandma  whenever I see that house which once belonged  to us a get sad. Oh my poor lily says the granny  you must never get sad  thinking about the  past . Because  whatever  has happened  you can’t  change  it only when you leave the past behind and move on will you truly  succeed.  This words lily never forget.

After many years lily became  a business  woman and when she was interviewed  about her success . She told the the reason behind her  success were her grandmother’s words.
