Rascal Rodents- Story 1

The house was empty. Even the cat named Drakes  wasn’t there there. Bill and Mary took him with them to Hawaii, where they had gone for a long vacation.

But who knew that the house was not fully empty? The rats, Henry, Glide and Louis were there in their rat hole, which they call ‘ Rodent’s Place’, and were following their usual routine. ” That Drakes! He will never let us eat. I think we will have to starve even today” Said Henry angrily. ” Ya,” Cried Glide ” That fool cat!” The absence of Drakes was unknown to them. But suddenly Louis came running ” Hi there! I had gone to Rodent Club and on the way I saw the cat and his master and mistress going  somewhere.”   ”That’s great! That’s great!” Clapped Henry and Glide” Let’s have a sumptuous feast today!”

When the three rats where heading towards the fridge, they spotted some mice had started stealing food. They quickly ran to them and protested ” You can’t do it! It is all ours! Hand over everything to us!” Soon the two groups started quarreling. Henry, Glide and Louis were overpowered by the mice as they were more in number. The three rats gave up and sadly returned to their rat hole. Meanwhile a cat had crept in the house from the chimney and greedily looked at the mice who had become fat and were unable to run due to over eating. It easily killed the mice and ate them. Then it had a nice rest and went away. The rat had been watching everything from a distance. ” What a luck! Imagine what would have happened to us if we ate like those mice ! We would have gone to the cat’s stomach. ” Said Henry. ” Ya. Now let’s dive into the fridge. The obstacles have been removed.” Said Glide.

The three rats had a wonderful feast that day.


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