
  • don’t need friends. i can be gbetter off myself. Would you rather pick up the shattered glass or would you rather leave it?Meaning “Would you rather get hurt by someone else or would you rather leave it?”Sometimes you may feel may feel nothing and you may feel sad or depress,but whatever that happens to be bad or good or whatever,always be yourself and stay strong.Dont care if you are weak or not,build yourself up and you can move on.
  • Life can be misunderstanding, it may go wrong,it may be worst and it may be the worst one you ever had.But no matter what build yourself up ,givet revenge and do what they always did to you. Tell them “This is how i feel whenever you do this to me.Now,it is your turn to suffer like me.Do what’s right,or else god won’t let you enter heaven.”If they want to rekt you,say this examples.”Bitch,you act like a child.”Let me take a photo of you and write the caption for god”My phone’s battery last longer than your relationship”It ain’t my fault,cause you were the one who did this to me back then.”Are you grateful to be alive?”Damn,you should brush your teeth,your breath stinks.”You can say this examples if  they want to reck you.If non of this above is what you want to say,you can refer to YouTube.
  • Hurt
  • Building up
  • Revenge
  • (Sorry if some of the parts are offensive or bad.)

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