Life is full of surprises

Life is full of surprise and wonders 🙄 once there lived a girl named Sheila and had a lover named Kim,,, Sheila had a friend called Jenaviv,, Sheila trusted jenaviv more than eniwan else in diz world,,, sheila gave jenaviv the telephone number of kim so that thy can be communicating and in case of any problem kim can reach to jenaviv.. It all startted well. But tym came jenaviv started giving made up stories so that kim and sheila can apart… 😥😥😥kim started loosing hope on sheila coz he thought that sheila was fake and a pretender… Thy both aparted and thaz was the happiness of janaviv.. Now janaviv is happy in her relationship while kim is still begging sheila to come back but it was too late wat happened next ill tell it in the next page 🙈🙈
