Black eyed girl

  1. i remember that night when I was at my friend house. When I saw time in my watch time is 12:55 am so I said my friend I have to go home n
  • ow     I went out
  • and tried to start the car but didn’t start and my friend didn’t have a car  so my friend said yo
  • u have to go by walking to your house so said ok my house is little closer to my friend house now times 1:12 it was cold that night after few minutes I was feel like someone is behind me like someone
    • follow me when I turned behind there’s no one  and that time i was so scared I don’t have any idea what I have to do only ignored and walk fast than fast and after 33 minutes when I got closer to my house I
    •  heard a girl crying

when I looked at around me there is front of my house a park and there is a little girl sitting down so when I saw her she looked at me her eyes is absolutely black  and stoppe… I went inside the house and opened window saw at the park there is
