Romantic story – One day sizo popa

Aouty yaka ere ko botse

“Bona Mabra”After s*x🍆🍑with your girlfriend don’t make her feel cheap👏.o kare ke sfebe

👏Don’t turn your back on her☺cuddle her she’s your girlfriend hold her at the back kiss💋her, Hold her B**b’s, wipe her sweat and tell her you love her and be real with her😍.

Stop using your ☎ phone after sex🍆🍑💦It make her feel cheap.Rather hold her p***y, Put a finger inside and kiss💋her and say ” Thanks 👏you for great sex🍆🍑💦, And loving me out of so many man”.Boil warm 🚿 water for her and ask her to take a shower💦Instead of capturing photos🖐Appreciate that she’s loyal to you and trust you instead if going around telling your friend that you f**ked her😭😭 #stephansgary376 0764770826
