My storie

“The way to get along is to go along’ ( John F. Kennedy ). What does this statement mean ?
To get along is to accommodate with others. To go along is to proceed with the task on hand. To proceed confidently and to reach the goal, it requires certain qualifications and make up. They are not only physical but also neutral and emotional. It refers to the mental and social aspect. To go along implies a company or companion. It may be for then individual, a group, a country or countries at large. No man is an island. So far as man is a part of a society he has to live in it which means he must be able to get along with others. This requires a mental set up such that getting along may not be a problem.

What is the mental set up ? One must recognize there is place for everybody under the sun. Theoretically at least that is the fact. Circumstances may change but still everybody expects to live and make the best of one’s life. He needs food, clothing and shelter. He may need some more comforts. In trying to acquire them or secure them there is the clash coming. Because all are not endowed with the same faculties and capacities and there is always a perennial clash. To avoid such a clash one must know how to give and take.

Viewed closely this is a matter of environment, upbringing and education. All these play a vital role. Children must be taught how to live with others; how they should not be selfish, how they should be able to share what they have with others; and how they must have their emotions under control. In this the parents and the school play a vital role. Of course, other movements like the Scouting for boys and Guiding for girls go a long way to help them in getting along. As the saying goes “Charity begins at home”, once the children have learned quite early in life in their homes, there may be no problems. When they grow old they will practice it in their lives, whether it be in the mart or the senate.

To go along is not only true of individuals but also of States. The world as it is today is a package of different countries with different strengths, economically and politically. But all these countries must get along if the world has to avoid another catastrophe which cannot be imagined what with all the military hardware piled up these days.

Countries must learn to be good neighbors. Look at what is , happening is West Asia. Israel and the Arab countries are at each other’s throat. It is a dangerous situation which may explode at any moment. The creation of Israel after the Second World War was perhaps a great casualty. But the Arabs must know how to put up with that. Thy must have the historical perspective. The claim of the Jews to their ancient land cannot be overlooked. The best thing should be an understanding and adjustment on both sides.

This is true of countries of different ideologies. With the rapid growth of science and technology, the world is moving towards the concept of one world. No country can sit in an ivory tower and close it eyes to what is happening elsewhere. Natural calamities in one area will have their repercussions in another area. If there is draught and famine in one country, another country which enjoys favorable conditions must come forward to help the other nation. Otherwise complications will set in which will have a chain reaction. Now than at any time, no country can live in isolation.

Political divisions must be forgotten for the world to prosper. So to get along is to go along, whether it be in the family, or within a nation or among the nations of the world. This is the type of things great men like Welland Wilkie, Bertrand Russell, Jawaharlal Nehru, Poet Tagore and perhaps Kennedy were dreaming of.
