Camping story – part 1

It was one year ago today, I was 12 at a camping trip for some Association or something, My dad was a chaperone on the trip, we were doing a hunting section where we were shooting pellets at bottles as a practice and he was the proctor, I guess you could call him for this specific section I was walking to the next section of the hunting activity 1/4 of a mile away. After I was done with everything for the day I decided to sneak out of my cabin around bedtime at 10 PM to take a walk as I knew these woods like the back my hand. I have no idea why but i decided to check the shooting range for the 7th graders what i saw was the most horrifying thing ever. Now the reason i had give all those details at the begging of this story tie in to what happens. I saw a figure of my dad’s shape there, but I remember looking at my dad’s room in the cabin, he was asleep in there. The shape had his hair, his posture, the head of this person turned towards me i noticed his hand and it had a gun not from the shooting range now, sure you could argue that he probably had a BB gun since the range was the seventh grade section (yes they did have shooting ranges divided by grades 7 – 9) but the shape of that gun wasn’t a rifle like the ones in there, it was shaped like an M4 rifle. As soon as i opened my mouth to ask i saw his hand move and i automatically started to run, I heard shots from behind one hit me on my shoulder i fell into a ridge in the ground by a lake, good thing I did because i was actually starting to not be able to run anymore because of my asthma, I heard the guy’s voice he was saying in a joker toned voice, come out child, I want to play afterlife with you. My heart almost STOPPED when i saw his face in the moonlight, if you’ve ever watched llama arts animation of “the smiling man” try imagining that face with a height of 6’2″ and a reasonably buff body with some insane expression on his face. The man looked dead in my direction as i peeked out barely to see if i could run for it again or at least try. He pointed his gun and blasted a whole clip in my direction i was hit in four areas my shoulder AGAIN, my lower stomach area and my right bicep. All because my dumbass decided to run, i thought to myself all in a bloodied messed up body,i shouldve stayed hidden maybe i wouldn’t be close to dying. When I got concentrated on where i was running I comepletely lost my way to the cabins and i saw the man IN FRONT OF ME. I looked at him dead in his face in disbelief and asked my self how the fuck he moved in front of me so fast. I stopped holding my arm like gohan did when cell blasted his arm. I took a breath and felt nausea then i fell back, I woke up in a hospital bed, I thought it was over and fell back asleep then I woke up again back in the same area with that insane bastard looking at down at me. He reached in his sweatpant pocket and pulled out a list of names all of them had been from reports on the newspaper of missing children all my grade and first name but i knew one of them and he hadn’t been on the reports, my bestfriend who had gone missing six months from that time he was the only name who wasn’t my first. After that, he pulled out another item it was a swiss army knife the one i had given to this friend 1 year before then. He opened and raised into the air and stabbed me, dead in my stomach. He got up and left after saying a spine chilling setence that im still trying decipher and have nightmares about. He said, this will be the last time you see this me ever again. I woke up the next day in that exact same hospital bed unscathed no shot wounds nothing but one stab mark in that area of my stomach even though i felt and extreme pain in all the areas I had been shot. I looked at my dad and I screamed afraid of him and he didn’t know what was wrong. Every night since then, i feel like im losing my sanity little by little, i have more violent urges and i can see that bastard every once in a while but as I reach out to him, my hand goes through him like a ghost I have one idea who that could be and im starting to be like him…

This story isnt over, more will come soon
